February 16, 20251 min read

LEO'S LOSERS RECAP. First let's finish up what happened in the NFL with the 2 Conference Championship tilts and the Super Bowl. 1-1 for Conference Championship and had the Super Bowl Loser correct making it a 2-1 weekend for a plus $410. 

So, let's get to the arithmetic, shall we? With the NCAA and the NFL, and for the first time in the five years that Leo's Loser has been in existence, my short term investment banker is making a profit. Four years in the black but 2024 in the red.

Final tally for NCAA was a pathetic 24-28 and that landed me in the red for -$2781. The NFL was even worse with a miserable 31-33 and costing me -$6396.

The ONLY positive was if you did a futures wager on my predictions for the CFP winner and the Super Bowl in August you made out splendidly. I picked Ohio State to capture the first 12 team playoff and the Buckeyes did so that $100 you put down made you $325. Now, I also selected Philadelphia to hoist the Lombardi Trophy which the Eagles did last Sunday. If you put another Benjamin down on the Birds in August you cashed in to the tune of $1400. 

As you can see, there's always a silver lining to the darkest cloud! See you in August for another edition of Leo's Losers and I promise I'll do better.

Book it Dano!

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