I'LL BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS. I'll bet you thought that the highest scoring quarter in a Super Bowl is the 4th quarter. To steal a line from John McClane in the Christmas movie Die Hard (and
WHAT'S BROKE & NEEDS FIXING. Here's what's broke. I have a jerk who wants to hijack our Amped Up Sports and sell cars and coon cats. Let me fix that and nip it right in the bud now!
LEO'S LOSERS. Will be adding my Super Bowl Loser next week but I wanted to put this out to all those who bet on football games or, for that matter, any athletic even. Do as I say not as I do and here's
SCREAMIN' FROM THE CHEAP SEATS. Who am I screamin' at today? Getting loud on NFL football fans for being uneduated and here's why.
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