LEO'S LOSERS. Will be adding my Super Bowl Loser next week but I wanted to put this out to all those who bet on football games or, for that matter, any athletic even. Do as I say not as I do and here's
WHO’S HOT IN SPORTS. NHL. New York. Islands on a 5 game winning streak. NBA. New York & Toronto. Knicks & Raptors both on 5 game victory rides too. NFL. Kansas City & Philadelphia.
TAMPA BAY SPORTS SCENE. LIGHTNING. A hard luck 1-2 segment. Nice 3 game home stand at Amalie Arena this week with the triad all starting at 7 pm. Take on the Los Angeles Kings on Thursday.
LEO'S LOSERS WEEK 20 NFL. Week 19 was hugely successful. Had the CFP Loser correct and it was an easy choice. I picked Ohio State to win the the championship back in August and I rode the
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