August 16, 20241 min read

THOUGHTS OF A SEPTUAGENARIAN. Today I want to deal with the massive changes in sports media since the 1950s. Back in the day, if a member of The Fourth Estate had a commentary on a player or coach or team or event they would pontificate and put their name on the byline of the opinion. Today, with the advent of social media, that is the exception rather than the rule. A herd of "internet assassins" vilify any and all sports figures with impunity because they don't have the intestinal fortitude (politically correct for guts) to sign their name to their rant.  They hide behind the veil of secrecy to avoid any backlash to their negative post. Why, you ask. Because they're afraid of what the ramifications would be if the person who was the gist of their narrative knew who to contact after reading what is normally a very vile and slanderous. I will guarantee you this my loyal supporters. Any member of Amped Up Sports will ALWAYS identify themselves on any written or video post that goes up under the AUS banner.  We will not hide from criticism of our opinions and will welcome any discourse from any individual who identifies themselves.  So, with all that said I'm Leo Haggerty from Amped Up Sports. Book it Dano.

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