RECORDS THAT WILL NEVER BE BROKEN. I will continue this week on my Wilt Chamberlain Magical Mystery Tour of records that will never be broken. Just to put this in proper perspective as to why I am lately clamoring on this point incessantly, The Big Dipper holds 72 NBA records and, trust me, I won't be bringing all of those to your attention but I will put forth a few more salient ones for your perusal.
So, lets review what records I have already brought to your attention. #1-Most minutes played in a season at 48.5. #2-Most rebounds in a game at 55 along with a season with 2,149. That comes to 27.2 a game and a career retrieving of 23,924 that equates to 22.9 a year.
Here's #3. Most points scored by a rookie and The Stilt has the trifecta in the 1959-60 season. Most in a game with 58 twice. Most in a season and that adds up to 2,707. Highest points per game average at 37.6.
Now, I know you're just amazed by that but let me set the bar even higher. We're not talking about a 5 year veteran NBA player in his late 20's in the prime of his career. We're referring to a 23 year old professional basketball newbie going against the best players in the world.
I could stop here to make my case for #13 being the NBA GOAT but that's just not happening. Look for a fistful or more records that will never be broken coming in the next month or so to solidify my claim that Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest NBA player of all time.
Book it Dano!