I'LL BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS. I'll bet you thought that the highest scoring quarter in a Super Bowl is the 4th. To steal a line from the iconic character John McClane portrayed by Bruce Willis in the Christmas movie Die Hard (and that topic I WILL be examining at a future date probably around the end of December), "Wrong answer Hans." It's the third quarter and there's a couple of very specific reasons why that occurs.
During the regular season of the National Football League, the halftime intermission is 13 minutes and, because of television restraints, that parameter is pretty much set in stone.
So, players have been ingrained for 17 games and then two or three playoff contests that from the the whistle to end the first half to toe-to-leather to begin the third quarter is no more than 15 minutes tops. Now, that changes immensely and here's why?
When the Eagles and the Chiefs head to their respective dressing room after 30 minutes of play at the Caesars SuperDome in New Orleans, they will be in uncharted territory. The halftime at The Roman Numeral Tilt will last for at least 25 minutes and usually exceeds 30 minutes depending upon how fast the grounds crew can set up and take down the set for the Halftime Entertainment Extravaganza that is associated with the NFL Championship game.
With coaches having an extended amount of time to formulate second half adjustment but, more importantly, players are now sitting for probably over a half an hour. It takes a while to, both physically and mentally, get back into the fray. Teams are vulnerable to giving up quick score on both sides of the ball.
That's a couple of significant reasons why the 3rd quarter is the 15 minute segment that sees the most points go up on the scoreboard.
Enjoy the game and if you turn if off after the first half because you have no interest in what goes on when there's no action on the gridiron between different color teams of helmeted gladiators please remember to turn it back on before the second half kickoff. Most likely that's when the fireworks will begin.
Book it Dano!