THOUGHTS FROM A SEPTUAGENARIAN. I do NOT enjoy talking politics BUT there are certain pivotal times in the grand scheme of things where it's timely as well as necessary so here goes. It bothers me that both political parties cannot find a younger presidential candidate to nominate. Trump turns 78 next month and Biden hits 82 in November. So let’s do the math shall we. That makes them whoever is elected 82 and 86 at the end of their term as president in 2028. Heck let’s be honest here. The chances of either of them having significant life altering medical issues in the next 4 years because of their advanced age are pretty good. In fact I would bet the Vegas odds of either of them dying during their time serving as the most powerful person on the planet are just as high or even greater. Am I the only one that sees that as a major problem. Memo to the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties. Your choice of Vice President in my humble opinion will have a huge effect on who a majority of the electorate votes for in 2024. My advice. Choose wisely. Book it Dano!